Event: Tussen Hemel & Aarde

Elke Woensdag 19:30-20:30 in “de Massagerette” te Haarlem

Waar kom ik nou eigenlijk vandaan?
Is er leven na de dood?
Waarom ben ik hier op aarde?
Waarom voel ik mij anders dan vele anderen?
Help! Ik zie ‘dingen’ die er niet zijn :/
Hebben dieren en planten ook gevoel?
Aura? Wat is dat? Engelen bestaan die echt?

Allemaal vragen die aan bod komen in het wekelijkse “Tussen Hemel & Aarde”.

In een ontspannen zetting, zal er wekelijks een onderwerp naar voren gebracht worden die zal bijdragen aan je bewustwordingsproces.

We spelen in op de informatie dmv bijv. spel / oefening / meditatie

Door het bewust worden van de wereld om je heen, zal de weg naar jeZelf ook steeds makkelijker gaan…. en vice versa 🙂

Ga naar Beyond Beyond op Facebook, klik op het event en druk op “a a n w e z i g”
Door je plek te bevestigen!!

Entree €13

Coming in touch with our vulnerability – Full Moon in Cancer 12th Jan 2017

The first Full Moon of the year is beautifully present and illuminates in Cancer. The nourishing and feminine sign that is connected with the Moon and is known to deeply engage all the aspects of emotions and cycles of life.

Cancer is the so called Mother of all the Zodiac Signs and represents the Feminine Energy, that what this Full Moon is encouraging us to do, regarding our own emotions.

It learns us to listen to our feelings and hidden emotions that can come up as the Moon always reflects that what resides in our inner worlds and we haven’t dealt with.

Like the waters that represent our emotions and we consist out of for a big amount, we receive all what happens around us and therefor within us. Being aware of our feelings and hidden emotions that can come up while being triggered by our circumstances, we likely will notice that it is our old issues that can rise to the surface and need our devoted attention so we can be the Mother that gives unconditional love to our old pains.

By learning to acknowledge our feelings and to be true to them, we learn to be vulnerable and to speak our truth and act upon them. It is through our vulnerability we will empower ourselves.

Something we haven’t been taught whilst growing up or is even still not accepted in society today. However there is great empowerment in vulnerability and it is a beautiful experience to gracefully embrace yourself more for the being of Love that your are.

As the Water is the ruler of Cancer and represents our emotions, it is also a great cleanser. Wash away your pains and old emotions in the form of a ritual by a dip in the ocean, salt bath, or a refreshing shower.

There is a powerful intention I want to share with you that you can use in your Full Moon Ritual or even on a daily base, to cleanse you from all that keeps you feeling stuck or down in the lower vibrations.


I AM now choosing to cleanse myself

and lovingly release all thought forms, beings, situations and energies

that are no longer of service

to my highest and greatest good

across all planes of my existence,

across all universes and across all lifetimes.

I ask for all that have forgotten its Light

to be transmuted in Love

for the highest good of all.

And so it is


Lots of Love

Why are people ‘bad’?


Today was a beautiful crisp cold winterday with the Sun shining its rays in the blue sky. I went for a walk with a friend in the dunes and was waiting for her downstairs to pick me up.

A woman was standing next to me waiting for the bus to come and gave me a compliment of my brightly coloured jacket I was wearing with ethnical prints. I explained her I got it from this amazing woman in Thailand who traveled through her country for years, working together with ancient tribes, creating these hand loomed and hand painted fabrics. I myself was doing the same thing at that time with my brand MICCA, supporting tribes with their ancient techniques that had been passed on from generation to generation and now slowly is vanishing due to the industrialisation of the fashion industry. This woman made these unique pieces and it was so funny how I was guided to her! She felt exactly the same about my appearance and even missed her flight so she could sit down with me and talk about the visions we shared.

The energy continued with the woman who was standing next to me this afternoon. She asked me where I was from and told her I was from the Stars, just like her. She smiled… I told her I was playing human now and that life on Earth can be hard some times but life was also a lot of fun! She laughed and contemplated, reflecting on the words I just said. She looked at her own life and her expression on her face instantly dropped down…

She looked at me and asked: “But why are people so bad?”
Me: “To re-member you are the Light”
She: “But why are they keep doing bad things and act so heartless?”
Me: “Because it is their path and it is you that can be an example of how humanity can be and live in Love. Because once you know, you know. ‘They’ or ‘the Others’ are actually ‘You’… we all come from the same and live in the illusion of separateness that we think ‘the Other’ is something outside ourself, but actually it is a part of you. So why would you point the finger at ‘them’ or hurt ‘them’ while it is only yourself who you will hurt then?”

She nodded still feeling unsatisfied why her life is the way it is and asked me with pain in her heart: “So why is my husband still treating me and my children so bad, why can’t he just stop? Why?”
I looked her in her eyes and said: “Because he is telling you to Love yourself. It is through the painful experiences in life that we are reminded to embrace these moments because our Soul is asking us if we can see the lesson hidden in it and if we are ready to experience a more Lighter version that we so long for. It is your husband that is telling you to put boundaries for yourself, to Love yourself, whether he is gonna change his behavior or not, that doesn’t matter, it is You that can make that change for yourself and your children and that is exactly what you gonna do because that is what you are so longing for. You don’t need to create more drama in your life.

The Light came in her eyes and she felt there was a way out of the situation she was feeling so stuck in all this time. She looked at me with a big smile on her face… She couldn’t believe how everything made sense and how she instantly felt her own power back again. That she was the one that could create another outcome for herself…“You are God, an Angel!”
I laughed and hugged her “Yes we are, we are all an expression of All that Is”.  With a great smile of gratitude she got onto the bus continuing her new journey with Faith in her Heart.


What are you wishing to experience in 2017?

Natural Pool

The jolly happy holy days are here! A great time to enjoy your loved ones and a great time to keep up appearances. Family matters, personal issues everything seem to always come up a bit more to the surface around the end of each cycle.
Our biggest triggers are partly to be found in our blood family. There where you have implanted your soul lessons. Cause hey, when you thought u were enlightened… go live with your family for a week! Haha 🙂

With the Solstice on the 21st December we welcomed a new half year cycle and a great Portal opened that closes today on the 26th. The Portal activated each and everyone of us with new Light Codes, which could have made you feel drained or tired or super high, which was the case for me. It also reflected some deep rooted shadow parts of yourself to be seen and dealt with. It are these parts that can be released for the new cycle to come.

Lots of New Energies are being bombarded on Earth that brings us in a higher state of being. The Human Collective is arising to a more conscious race. The Ones that can not expand in this consciousness simply choose to leave Earth and continue their journey on their own level of consciousness.

We are stepping into a Lighter Paradigm and ending a 9 year cycle. The year 2016 is in numerology a 9 (2+0+1+6=9) and has been a year of releasing.
Releasing all that can’t reside in the new energies to come. Past issues, relationships etc over the last 9 years can come to an end for the cycle to be closed and to start a new. We have a powerful New Moon on the 29th of December that helps and encourages us to take actions on our dreams.

Personally it’s been a year for me with some intense experiences that made me aware of my hidden shadow parts that needed to come up to the surface for it to be recognised and healed with SelfLove.
Wounds that I thought I healed and dealt with, came up again and had to face with even deeper felt emotions so I could go to the core and heal all these life’s that have been connected with believe patterns that I was holding for myself.

Life on Gaia is still fascinating in the amount of experiences you can have in all this Dark. The everlasting returning to your own Light. That what we are made of and have completely forgotten… what a paradox!
The Game of “not knowing” is what we are playing out and oh how we want answers for everything, a specially in times of doubt and disconnection with Self it is that we seek the answers outside ourselves.

I laugh and see myself play Human with my mind bobbles and know more and more to find my peace within and tune in to the Higher part of Self, that oversees and knows more than my Human limited brain can perceive and understand.

I honor myself and my journey, as it is my own unique creation that made me who I Am in this very moment.
I love myself and trust that I Am always guided and helped by the Universe and that I get exactly what I need from what I send out with my vibration.

I let go of all limited beliefs that keep me from living my fullest potential and now choose to envision the best outcome of my dreams where I attract like minded people that operate from Joy and Love and co-create an abundant Life.

and so it is….

Reflect, contemplate, intend, envision and take action to the Dreams you want to Live.

You are the One you have been waiting for!

Love Denise

The Field of Infinite Possibilities

When we find ourselves in a state of ‘not knowing’ it’s easy to fall into fear or doubt. This is a natural re-act of the human mind that wants to control its reality. The mind is limited due to its capacity to perceive reality until a certain state. Change is therefor not what the mind embraces as it’s ‘best friend’.

However, crainbow_headhange is the only constant in the universe and as spirit you chose to have a human experience on a planet where ‘not knowing’ was set up as a game. A game where we forgot who we are, where we forgot where we are from and what natural capabilities we behold.

So let’s all Lighten up and create something more joyful and peaceful while we are here in this game of ‘not knowing’ re-membering our truth while experiencing life in a human embodiment.

We are all slowly waking up from the veils of illusion and Mind Programming that kept us in enslavement for eons.

In this time where a lot of shifting is taking place and old realities, relationships, structures etc are falling, new paradigms are being molded in the same time.

Even when clarity or the answers haven’t revealed itself, know that in that field of not knowing, everything is possible. It is where infinite possibilities are at your hand to be manifested.

Behold a peaceful state of mind and know that every thought you think with the frequency of your feelings you emit it with, you shape your reality and that of the Collective, the reality you and we all live in.

Choose Joy, choose Love, choose the path of least resistance that flows and grows effortlessly. Cause it is Joy & Love what you in essential are. It is your very own true nature, that what we come from and made out of.

Shine your inner truth and know that everything is possible, creating a more loving and peaceful life for yourself and every living being on this planet.

You are Loved

I Am the transformation I wish to see in the world

I Am the transformation I wish to BE in my world.
I Am the transformation I wish to SEE in the world.

So we find ourselves in a sequence of intense shifting energies. With the 11:11 star gate portal that opened, we initiate a new cycle. 

The 11:11 portal is a gateway that brings in the higher energies which with we can manifest our intentions more profoundly into the timelines. 

11 is representing a double number 1, Number 1 is a beginning of creation and because it’s double it represents the double individuals being the same/ each others reflection and therefor being as One. That’s why it’s also related to the Twin Flame energy, the colliding of these energies within and without. All is One and One is All. 

thirdeyePositive thinking and consciously visualizing that what you wish to see in your world becomes something we more and more get aligned with and these portals are helping us with empowering our ascension process.

 Back in 2012 when we aligned with the central sun it raised the frequency of Earth and all living beings on and in it. This new cycle gave us, humanity, the opportunity to grow collectively from a 3D perspective to a 5D perspective. The 5D vehicle that we more and more choose to operate from feels lighter, less dense and is more in alignment with our Multi Dimensional Self. That what we are and completely forgot while playing this illusionary game on Earth of separation. 

In order for us to get known with these new energies we had to say goodbye to the old. Because the old can simply not reside in the new. Lots of clearing has been done, on all areas of life and is still going on. Each and everyone on their own pace.

Getting used to these 5D energies was what we were working on these last years. 

Standing with one foot in the old and one foot in the new, ascending from a carbon base into a crystalline body, integrating our Multidimensional Self in this physical form and living our true blue print.

Coming into this Earth you have set up your own blue print with the soul lessons you wanted to experience with the right set of family and occasional relationships and experiences that triggered these soul lessons in order for you to accomplish.

Now the energies are rapidly changing and  the frequencies are rising and rising, a lot of you don’t resonate with your blue prints that you came in with and been working to adjustments in your sleep state. You find yourself in a place where the things you have always wished to create don’t resonate with you anymore. This in fact happened to me lately as well. Which can be very frustrating and confusing at the least.

Still everything you have experienced before has formed you who you are in this moment of time. You even created it yourself, every second of it, whether it was consciously or unconsciously, it has been your creation. That’s why everything you perceive as your reality is always in perfect harmony and orchestrated just the way it is supposed to be. 

Can you feel the peace that comes along with that? To allow yourself the space to just be. With all the aspects you like and don’t like about yourself. Loving yourself and your so called reality, is just as perfect as it is. Look at it at your own magnificent creation. Cause that is who you are, a magnificent being of Love, an infinite Creator.

Knowing you are the creator of your own reality, now what is it you wish to see in your world? What is it you wish to create?

What is it you put your attention on? On yourself or something outside yourself?

Everything outside of you is just a reflection of Self, meaning everything comes from within and therefor pointing fingers or giving your power away to someone/ thing outside yourself is dis empowering and eventually it is you blaming and hurting your Self. 

In these times of chaos and ‘not knowing’ there is a massive upheaval for things wanting to be changed. It is in chaos something new can emerge. By knowing what you don’t want, you know what you do want. We live in a Universe of contrast and the dark is part of the Light and vice versa. 

Within this level of consciousness we come to remember we are the Light in the Dark and that the Dark serves us in that way. Embrace every facet and send it Love as Love is who you are and is the key to bring everything back into the Light. 

By standing in your own power and consciously choose that what serves yourself and humanity, the collective: that what you are, you create the reality you wish to see & be.

Know that you are more & more lining up with what you are meant to be & do on Earth in this transformational time. TRUST that everything works in divine order and SURRENDER to the flow of life, so life can work through you instead of you focusing on one thing and leaving all possibilities out. We get distracted by expectations and disappointments that brings us back into our fear. It is your Higher Self that has the bigger picture for you and with your limited perception in this human vehicle, it is a must to sit in silence and connect with your Higher Self to receive the guidance that is always available for you at any time. 

We are in a new circle of creation and it is your response-ability to choose the highest outcome for Self and the Collective. Choose what feels Light and makes you Happy, cause that is always the path of least resistance. 

Happy creations! You are Loved ?


The Cleansing Power of a Storm

lightningToday is the 10-10 portal of New Beginnings and here in Ibiza the energies were shaken by a heavy storm and rumbling thunder & lightning yesterday.

How symbolic once again. This magical island is always offering you the opportunities to constantly stir up and transform that what resides within.  

So what is a storm all about? A storm literally cleanses the energies there where needed. Over time men believed the Gods were angry and released their anger with lots of fire and commotion (thunder & lightning). Surely this comes from a fear based mentality as God or Source or Prime Creator, however you want to name it, is non judgemental and comes from Unconditional Love. 

When Lightning hits the Earth, it is there where disharmony exists within the grid.

The grid is like the matrix, the energy field that co-exists through all layers of Earth and therefor also in its inhabitants. We together with all living forms, physical and non-physical on this plane and the inner planes are forming together the consciousness of Planet Earth. We are all together One Living Being. 

We are a Planetary Consciousness and Mother Earth (Gaia or Terra) is a living entity on itself as well, providing us Souls with a body, water to live, food to give and shelter to have whilst experiencing a life within her dimension. 

When there is disharmony in the grid, Lightning strikes on these points to equalize the energies and clear the blockages, bringing back the harmony in the field. It effects every One in that time space reality. 

Being born with Thunder & Lightning has been a story that was funny for me and always left me with some question marks. Until I understood the meaning of it and therefor understood a great deal about myself. I was born with these energies for a reason and came to Earth to harmonize and clear there where is needed. Now understanding these energies I can recognize them and use them for what they are meant to be.

So when a storm comes into your life, literally or figuratively speaking, it can stir up some things that has been laying underneath the surface. Know that it’s alright. Use the power of the storm to feel all that and wash away that what doesn’t serve you anymore. In the same time make your intentions with these pro founding energies. The storm is telling you you are ready for the next level in life and that you can shed of the layers that have been blocking you. 

After the storm be gentle with yourself to utilize the energies and let the Sun come back into your life again. 

Being transparent between both worlds

jellyfishSo here we’ve entered the month of October with a powerful New Moon, feeling excited for the change that this month is going to bring.

We are all ready for a change after this intense summer and open for a more effortless flowing energy that supports us with our Heart desired wishes and envisioned projects. Nevertheless the waves of higher energies will keep on poring into the grid of Earth, restoring and upgrading each and every One’s matrix into an Higher Octave.

The effects of these downloads are felt and often described as the following: unusual physical pains, extreme tiredness, ‘shocks’ of pain felt in the body, clear lucid dreaming, astral traveling, less appetite, mood swings: feeling very high and next minute very low, feeling extremely lazy, no lust for life, opening of pineal gland, easier contact with Multidimensional Self, feeling the need to spend more time alone.

It has been an intense year of cleansing so far. Cleansing is the theme of 2016. It’s like we’ve been integrating the energies of the portal back in 2012 until now, by clearing out all that was in our way to gradually step forward into our higher version of Self. Slowly we are adapting and feeling more and more comfortable, creating in our new 5D vehicle and becoming our Multi Dimensional Self.

Of course this ascension process is a never ending story and for those that have been consciously aware over the years, it can feel like this New World is never lining up with your envisioned ideas that you so deeply desire and been working on so hard.

However it’s the coming together of two worlds. The thin line is being represented. The dance of letting go and allowing yourself to receive. The perfect symbiosis of fulfillment… one can’t exist without the other. We’ve so been focused on letting go… believe patterns, relationships, jobs, friends etc etc But if you don’t allow yourself to receive, the balance will never be found.

So what is truth for you?


Looking at your place in time now you may find yourself choosing a different direction and dropping something you truly feel in your Heart but isn’t flowing in this right here moment of time. The total opposite can occur. Take a step back and look how your energy is flowing in what it is you are doing. Is it truly fulfilling you? Is taking a step back a good idea to be more transparent in any given situation and therefor more clear in what you want to put into action?

It was like the jellyfish that stung me yestermorning that told me to be ‘transparent with my surroundings’. When I’m transparent I let myself be carried by the flow of life and don’t let myself be depending on my outer world in order to let myself be. I flow and have trust that I’m carried by the stream of the mighty waters. Making me not only effortless but One with the Entire Ocean.

Ibiza Event: Circle of Creation

women-circleHello beautiful Goddesses!

With the powerful portal that is opening on the Equinox, I would like to invite you to come together in the Circle of Creation where we gather to inspire and empower through the power of the Holy Circle.

Through our daily lives we tend to forget the importance of creating a sacred space for ourselves where we can reside, reflect and nourish ourselves.

The Circle of Creation offers a sacred space where women can be without judgement. We share and magnify the power of our intentions, by the use of a ‘talking stick’ that ancient tribes worked with over decades, for its spiritual power of implementation.

Through this ritual you allow yourself to engage with your Inner Self and feel the power we women have of birthing new creation. We will infuse the energies in our ceremony that are available, due to the opening of the portal of the Equinox, to set the Tone for the New Moons to come.

I will close the Circle of Creation with an Energy Download that I will transmit to you personally.

Looking forward sharing with you!

Lots of Love

For personal bookings please contact me through mail connect@deniselucas.nl

Circle of Creation
Entrance €18
Wed 21st Sept
20:30 – 22:00 hrs
Villa Casa Gazebo
Cap Martinet

In This Moment by Lord Buddha

“In this moment you are everything you could ever wish to be and everything you wish not to be.

In this moment you have multiple opportunities available to you and no opportunities available to you.

In this moment you are so much more than your physical body yet you are only your physical body.

This moment is as special and expansive as you allow it to be as well as being as limiting and depleting as you can imagine it to be”

Lord Buddha

You are evolving into a Lighter version of Self

medicine-womanTouch down! We’ve just passed the Solar Eclipse and New Moon and we can still feel the energies of it. Another powerful influx of Light Codes have been pored onto the planet, leaving everyone the opportunity to receive the new Light Codes that will lift you in a higher state of consciousness and experience.
It is the free will of choice to allow this process. If you are in a low frequency of anxiety and fear, you will simply continue to create at this same level again.

Lots of chaos is surrounding us. On a global scale and probably even in your own life. It is alright, this is happening. We live in a Universe of contrast and with the change of the old paradigm, there will be chaos, simply because the old is hanging on to what it still can hang on to exist. It feeds on fear based illusions. Recognizing this in yourself, gives you the opportunity to consciously choose what feels better for you. Living in Fear or Love.

The chaos that is occurring can be explained like planting new seeds.
The land has to be prepared by getting rid of the old and plowing the soil, leaving it all messy and upside down, but being ready for the new seeds to be planted. This is what’s happening internally and externally in our world. The ‘dark’ has to be brought to the surface in order to see the Light.

Insecurity, rejection, lack of self worth, the illusion of separateness, feeling alone and not understood seem to be the themes that have been playing out with the energies of this Solar Eclipse.

Painful to feel but are helping you for the good. Don’t judge your own old beliefs that still pop up to the surface. It’s just an indicator for you to be aware of what still lives in you that can be healed.

Energy follows thought



Instead decide who you are and what you will create in your life and on the Earth, and then focus on that. Do not be drawn by the energies of anything that is not in alignment with what you wish to create.

Choose what makes you feel happy and what feels good with your inner being. The more you allow yourself to listen in silence to what it is your Heart desires, the easier it will be to recognize your feelings that will guide you through life.

Allow yourself to be the best version of you. Step into your power that is so eagerly waiting for you to be claimed and recognized. Be the Love you want to feel!

You are Loved
ϟ Denise ϟ