I Am the transformation I wish to see in the world

I Am the transformation I wish to BE in my world.
I Am the transformation I wish to SEE in the world.

So we find ourselves in a sequence of intense shifting energies. With the 11:11 star gate portal that opened, we initiate a new cycle. 

The 11:11 portal is a gateway that brings in the higher energies which with we can manifest our intentions more profoundly into the timelines. 

11 is representing a double number 1, Number 1 is a beginning of creation and because it’s double it represents the double individuals being the same/ each others reflection and therefor being as One. That’s why it’s also related to the Twin Flame energy, the colliding of these energies within and without. All is One and One is All. 

thirdeyePositive thinking and consciously visualizing that what you wish to see in your world becomes something we more and more get aligned with and these portals are helping us with empowering our ascension process.

 Back in 2012 when we aligned with the central sun it raised the frequency of Earth and all living beings on and in it. This new cycle gave us, humanity, the opportunity to grow collectively from a 3D perspective to a 5D perspective. The 5D vehicle that we more and more choose to operate from feels lighter, less dense and is more in alignment with our Multi Dimensional Self. That what we are and completely forgot while playing this illusionary game on Earth of separation. 

In order for us to get known with these new energies we had to say goodbye to the old. Because the old can simply not reside in the new. Lots of clearing has been done, on all areas of life and is still going on. Each and everyone on their own pace.

Getting used to these 5D energies was what we were working on these last years. 

Standing with one foot in the old and one foot in the new, ascending from a carbon base into a crystalline body, integrating our Multidimensional Self in this physical form and living our true blue print.

Coming into this Earth you have set up your own blue print with the soul lessons you wanted to experience with the right set of family and occasional relationships and experiences that triggered these soul lessons in order for you to accomplish.

Now the energies are rapidly changing and  the frequencies are rising and rising, a lot of you don’t resonate with your blue prints that you came in with and been working to adjustments in your sleep state. You find yourself in a place where the things you have always wished to create don’t resonate with you anymore. This in fact happened to me lately as well. Which can be very frustrating and confusing at the least.

Still everything you have experienced before has formed you who you are in this moment of time. You even created it yourself, every second of it, whether it was consciously or unconsciously, it has been your creation. That’s why everything you perceive as your reality is always in perfect harmony and orchestrated just the way it is supposed to be. 

Can you feel the peace that comes along with that? To allow yourself the space to just be. With all the aspects you like and don’t like about yourself. Loving yourself and your so called reality, is just as perfect as it is. Look at it at your own magnificent creation. Cause that is who you are, a magnificent being of Love, an infinite Creator.

Knowing you are the creator of your own reality, now what is it you wish to see in your world? What is it you wish to create?

What is it you put your attention on? On yourself or something outside yourself?

Everything outside of you is just a reflection of Self, meaning everything comes from within and therefor pointing fingers or giving your power away to someone/ thing outside yourself is dis empowering and eventually it is you blaming and hurting your Self. 

In these times of chaos and ‘not knowing’ there is a massive upheaval for things wanting to be changed. It is in chaos something new can emerge. By knowing what you don’t want, you know what you do want. We live in a Universe of contrast and the dark is part of the Light and vice versa. 

Within this level of consciousness we come to remember we are the Light in the Dark and that the Dark serves us in that way. Embrace every facet and send it Love as Love is who you are and is the key to bring everything back into the Light. 

By standing in your own power and consciously choose that what serves yourself and humanity, the collective: that what you are, you create the reality you wish to see & be.

Know that you are more & more lining up with what you are meant to be & do on Earth in this transformational time. TRUST that everything works in divine order and SURRENDER to the flow of life, so life can work through you instead of you focusing on one thing and leaving all possibilities out. We get distracted by expectations and disappointments that brings us back into our fear. It is your Higher Self that has the bigger picture for you and with your limited perception in this human vehicle, it is a must to sit in silence and connect with your Higher Self to receive the guidance that is always available for you at any time. 

We are in a new circle of creation and it is your response-ability to choose the highest outcome for Self and the Collective. Choose what feels Light and makes you Happy, cause that is always the path of least resistance. 

Happy creations! You are Loved ?
