What are you wishing to experience in 2017?

Natural Pool

The jolly happy holy days are here! A great time to enjoy your loved ones and a great time to keep up appearances. Family matters, personal issues everything seem to always come up a bit more to the surface around the end of each cycle.
Our biggest triggers are partly to be found in our blood family. There where you have implanted your soul lessons. Cause hey, when you thought u were enlightened… go live with your family for a week! Haha 🙂

With the Solstice on the 21st December we welcomed a new half year cycle and a great Portal opened that closes today on the 26th. The Portal activated each and everyone of us with new Light Codes, which could have made you feel drained or tired or super high, which was the case for me. It also reflected some deep rooted shadow parts of yourself to be seen and dealt with. It are these parts that can be released for the new cycle to come.

Lots of New Energies are being bombarded on Earth that brings us in a higher state of being. The Human Collective is arising to a more conscious race. The Ones that can not expand in this consciousness simply choose to leave Earth and continue their journey on their own level of consciousness.

We are stepping into a Lighter Paradigm and ending a 9 year cycle. The year 2016 is in numerology a 9 (2+0+1+6=9) and has been a year of releasing.
Releasing all that can’t reside in the new energies to come. Past issues, relationships etc over the last 9 years can come to an end for the cycle to be closed and to start a new. We have a powerful New Moon on the 29th of December that helps and encourages us to take actions on our dreams.

Personally it’s been a year for me with some intense experiences that made me aware of my hidden shadow parts that needed to come up to the surface for it to be recognised and healed with SelfLove.
Wounds that I thought I healed and dealt with, came up again and had to face with even deeper felt emotions so I could go to the core and heal all these life’s that have been connected with believe patterns that I was holding for myself.

Life on Gaia is still fascinating in the amount of experiences you can have in all this Dark. The everlasting returning to your own Light. That what we are made of and have completely forgotten… what a paradox!
The Game of “not knowing” is what we are playing out and oh how we want answers for everything, a specially in times of doubt and disconnection with Self it is that we seek the answers outside ourselves.

I laugh and see myself play Human with my mind bobbles and know more and more to find my peace within and tune in to the Higher part of Self, that oversees and knows more than my Human limited brain can perceive and understand.

I honor myself and my journey, as it is my own unique creation that made me who I Am in this very moment.
I love myself and trust that I Am always guided and helped by the Universe and that I get exactly what I need from what I send out with my vibration.

I let go of all limited beliefs that keep me from living my fullest potential and now choose to envision the best outcome of my dreams where I attract like minded people that operate from Joy and Love and co-create an abundant Life.

and so it is….

Reflect, contemplate, intend, envision and take action to the Dreams you want to Live.

You are the One you have been waiting for!

Love Denise